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Kamala Harris & Joe Biden Are Financing Censorship, Election Interference, And The Persecution Of Me And Other Journalists In Brazil

Members of Congress demand that the US government cut off aid and advice from the State Department, FBI, and CIA intermediaries to the South American giant, given its turn toward dictatorship

Over the last two years, my colleagues and I have documented multiple illegal operations by United States government agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

We documented how the CIA, its allies, and intermediaries created the Russia collusion hoax, ran tightly organized efforts to take control of censorship and content moderation at Twitter and other social media platforms, and interfered in the 2020 election by approving the publication of a letter from 51 former CIA and other Intelligence Community officials, which falsely claimed there was evidence that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation.

We reported on the FBI’s persecution of employee whistleblowers, its inadequate investigation of an alleged pipe bomb on January 6, and its illegal interference in the 2020 elections by spreading disinformation about and encouraging censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Finally, we have documented how DHS, which Congress created after 9/11 to combat terrorism, ran multiple operations to spread disinformation, demand censorship, and interfere in elections. These efforts involved current or former members of the US Department of Defense, the British Ministry of Defense, and the CIA. We reported that DHS also created so-called “public-private partnerships” with censorship groups like the Stanford Internet Observatory.

Now, my colleagues and I have discovered that US government agencies, including the FBI and known intermediaries with the CIA, have been funding pro-censorship advocacy and advising the Brazilian government on how to engage in censorship.

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