
Love Your Civilization

My conversation with Tucker Carlson, Part 1

Going on television to talk about the big issues of the day is exciting, but it can be frustrating, too. The main reason is that there is never enough time to have a serious discussion of major issues.

For that reason, I was delighted to be invited by Tucker Carlson to sit down with him for an hour last month to discuss energy, homelessness, and the future of Western civilization. I really enjoyed our conversation and think you will, too. Video excerpts of it are above and the transcript is below. I will email parts 2 and 3 tomorrow and Sunday.

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Love Your Civilization Transcript

Tucker Carlson: One of the key roles of journalism is to describe the world that we live in and to produce stories that explain why we're seeing what we're seeing — stories that might actually matter to your life.

What are the things that matter to your life? Crime matters to your life. Energy matters to your life since it's the basis of all civilization. So if you're not writing incisive stories about crime and energy — stories that describe the reality we're watching — then you're not really practicing journalism.

Well, by that measure, one of the most effective journalists of our time is, not strictly speaking, a journalist. He's an author, a keen observer, and a truth-teller. His name is Michael Shellenberger.

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