Oh, my…. I never considered that actually protecting homelessness, as opposed to helping the homeless, was that huge middle finger to civilization. Makes perfect sense. And. It’s horrific. Talk about the use and abuse of human beings to achieve ends…

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Some 15 years ago, after someone stole all my money, I ended up homeless in New York City. A nice, albeit totally naive case worker gave me the computer access so I could fix all sort of garbage their network had.

Well, give me the access and I start rummaging the data. The shelter, in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant, was getting $3,000.00 per an inmate, per month. I say inmate for our beds were the beds decommissioned from prisons. Some law did not allow prisoners to sleep on something as unhealthy as those monstrosities, but they were OK for the homeless.

The good ol' all-American approach to this issue; that of hustling, corruption, outright theft and living large at the expense of other's misery should not be neglected. Ask yourself, 100 men x $3K a month = $300K and they (we) lived in barracks that housed 20 man per a "room." Three meals a day, at about $10 per an inmate total, $30K a month. Salaries for those in charge, meager. The land, free. The rent, free - coming from the City.

Where did the difference go?

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My father used to say that the anti-poverty people didn't want to help poor people because then they'd go out of business. He said that about various charities that were more ideologically/optically "helping" rather than actually helping. The grift is so obvious to me now.

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Oh and Republicans don’t ? Yea right

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No question there are people with their hands out on all sides. Somehow, sometime soon we are going to have to ALL ‘wake up’ to what is happening and start working together on solutions as opposed to pointing fingers and hurling insults. I really believe the vast majority of us want the same things, basically. Health, happiness, to be safe and at peace.

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There are no red cities.

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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

Sure there are. Oklahoma City, Wichita, for example. And both those places are in the top ten of violent crime per capita in the US.

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OKC has been heavily infiltrated with progressive liberal leadership - not a good comparison for you to use. It’s been done by FRAUD - and who wins most often in fake elections? You can look at the top for your answer - Biden did not win and everyone knows it. Let’s go Brandon.

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Friedenbach clearly has never cleaned a café bathroom. Her condescension for those who do is revolting. I used to work in a downtown coffee shop. We'd sometimes get addicts/homeless people using the bathroom. I was fortunate: my co-workers or boss usually cleaned up the urine, feces, blood, or needles when they could have made it my job. My boss explained that was why we sometimes did NOT let (non-paying) people use the washroom: addicts in "bougie-ass hipster cafes" or in any other kind of establishment are not grateful for the toilet. They are using the nice clean-ish, private space to shoot up or leave it much worse than they found it. Friedenbach doesn't care about workers and what they have to clean on their shifts.

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Leftism, since the time of Lenin and his Vanguard or even maybe since Rousseau, is first and foremost about the emotional, psychological, and social needs of the vanguard/activist class, which is usually made up of young disaffected intellectuals from middle-class backgrounds. The ostensible political cause/crusade (and the oppressed victim class that they are supposedly fighting for) are a pretext or a second-order priority.

Read about the Weather Underground and you'll see that while they loved sticking it to the imaginary Man, what they really wanted was to piss off mom and dad and escape their bourgeois guilt.

Or look at things like the Cali homeless disaster, Defund the Police, or the constant goal of 'disrupting the nuclear family': these are all issues that appeal to the revolutionary urge, the radical pose, the Holy Crusade of Righteousness, but are never popular with the people that they're supposedly designed to help, and the actual existing needs of poor or oppressed people are barely addressed.

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There's a wonderful book called "The Tragedy of American Compassion" which lays out the history of poverty programs in America. The homelessness problem isn't new, and neither is the addict problem. 100 years ago we had exactly this same debate on slightly different terms: do we provide housing to lazy drunkards freely or require them to stay sober? You had the same two camps then as you do now. That's what the "Social Gospel" movement was all about.

Prior to the 20th century, we understood that, except for those truly physically incapable, sobriety and work had to go hand-in-hand with charity. It also meant that most charity was dispensed directly from giver to receiver on a personal basis. The social gospel folks upended that and replaced church & individual charity (which was conditional on behavior) with state subsidy (which was not.) The church made an effort to treat underlying causes (being drunk / lazy / unloved) as well as the symptoms (being broke / homeless). Now we only treat symptoms and we wonder why we're not making progress.

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Can we stop referring to the woke hordes as "progressives"? There is nothing even faintly resembling progress about their policies nor politics. They are fundamentalist leftists - and should be honestly, accurately described as such.

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"The premise of your solutions, which make so much sense, assume that adherents to the now reigning ideology want things solved. They do not."

It's not just homeless advocates who are that way.....it's the heart and soul of what is known as "wokeness".

This is what Glenn Greenwald means when he says that people who listen to mainstream media,ie the educated/affluent groups, that they want to be lied to. He is right.

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Nope we want truths. But there are too many versions.

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There is only one version of the truth. The truth itself.

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The other day, I talked about Abraham Lincoln dealt with people creating and maintaining lawless chaos by committing acts of malfeasance, non-feasance and civil disobedience during the Civil War: internment without trial.

People like Jennifer F. need to realize that if law and order are going to be re-established in the Bay Area by any means necessary, the road to do that passes directly through her office and her away-from-work activities. In the Barbary Coast days, they did not bother with locking up people associated with all that chaos that reigned there: vigilantes shot them instead. That is not an acceptable alternative, but neither is maintaining and promoting open drug scenes. If a President declared martial law to terminate open drug scenes, arrest dealers and restore law and order on the streets of San Francisco and Oakland, I would cheer… and if it led to unlawful combatant status for meretricious public figures like Jennifer, all the better.

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Until martial law affects you. Or vigilantes shoot your family. Cheers

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Or until you get robbed or beaten on the street. Or shot by thieves, drug dealers, or gangs. Cheers!

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Seattle is infested and infected with the same politics and disappearing river of money into the homeless cause. The amount of help trickling down to street dwellers is just enough to keep them alive and in our face, to nurture the 'crisis' and keep the money flowing into the pockets of the experts running the various grafts to make themselves rich, while enjoying pious righteous status as saviors of the street dwellers. The guy living in a cardboard box is free advertising for the homeless professionals. He's not going indoors while they are in charge.

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2 more factors.

The Bay Area is home to the largest Burning Man community in the world, in many ways, the culture of Burning Man is blowing back into the city and corporations of SF. Basically, its cool to be in a cyberpunk dystopia on the streets, and then climb into your self-driving car or use an app to summon an uber to take you to your private sex club or woke high-tech workplace.

Secondly, I suspect the homeless shelters are vote harvesting factories and that many of the politicians in SF owe their insurmountable and surprising wins to massive election fraud using homeless shelters as addresses where thousands of voters can be housed.

What better way to take over an elite neighborhood politically, than bring in thousands (or actually an unknown) number of homeless, shelter them or register them in some shelter to vote, and then harvest all those votes. A certain revolutionary DA is reputedly a beneficiary of such a scheme. After they win, they support even more "homeless" nonprofit industrial complex.

So, these post modern non profit industrial complex elites are using the homeless as foots soldiers in a war against capitalism.

I would also add, that homelessness has been used to justify radical California wide rezoning laws, which are very quickly changing the city scape all over the state. High rise is everywhere now, where the used to be urban villages and suburban garden cities, now you see high rise to deal with the "housing crisis" and this cannot be justified if there is no visible homelessness on the street.

Also, big tech win if the physical spaces are disgusting and dysfunctional. Stressed and isolated people by more online, and if physical shopping districts are over run with legalized crime, than the only place you can go is online, to the Meta Verse.

So, yes, there are institutional reasons why "homelessness" is a thing. Its a business model and many of the usual suspects win.

The Burning Man tech elite have spilled over from a weekend in the desert, and now are starting to bring down the entire state of California, and all the blue cities of America.

Keep digging. Its a business model.

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True. There is a California Court of Appeal case that bans counties from requiring a street address for the purpose of voter registration. So, you can register anywhere in CA just by naming an intersection or park as your residence. This was done to avoid discriminating against the homeless but it has also opened the door to voter fraud. I sent a Public Records Act request to the Alameda County registrar asking for the data as to how may people who did not have a residential address in my district had registered to vote in my district. I received a hostile response from an attorney and they never gave me the data.

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Homeless advocates are massive grifters

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Use the homeless to "prove" their point just as democrats use people of color to retain power.

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The ending of this article really hit me. It’s tragic people like this are running policy and funding. Thanks for bringing this to the forefront. How do we combat this?

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By running for the office.

I grew up under the communist tyranny. As I witness this woke slash commie slash health tyranny resembling the horrors back home, I recall what my father once told me. Some friends mocked me (him) for occupying an official position, not as a member of the party but the position that was within the system anyways. (he was an engineer who, as a young man, spent three years in jail for celebrating Christmas, so his choice was strange indeed)

So I asked him, why? "If not me, someone much worse would do the job."

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Its called population control.

Send in the clowns. Isn't it rich, isn't it queer.

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Give the scumbags all the Fentynal they want, the useless eaters will solve the problem themselves in short order!

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Vancouver, Canada is also the poster child for Housing First. Same results.

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Wow completely disregarding where the drugs are coming from… the uneducated third generation of a huge population living in poverty, and the complete downgrading of all government agencies to the point of complete inn-effectiveness, oh and lets not talk about , government corruption or political rivalry. Fricken monkey courts, drunk ass corrupt judges, politicians, payola. Just can’t buy the writers offensive right wing opinion. But yes theres way more. Not enough police, insurance companies restricting companies from protecting their property… ineffective sentencing, what jail wants all those addicts? They just send them on. Let them drive their uninsured, unregistered beater car. Doin fentanyl driven down a highway near you.

Cant take guns away. Nobody can get a sensible bill into law due to lobbyists, bill stuffing and obstinate politicians that give not two shits about this country. Dont get me started.

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You are a moron

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That's not fair to actual morons.

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