Do Democrat politicians do anything except waste taxpayer money on twisted narratives based on false or misinterpreted data? Whether it's drugs, homelessness, COVID, or climate. Idiocracy and delusional cult behavior.

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CA could really use you. I hope you are the next Gov. As for all these corrupt people I can’t understand, and I don’t want to. It takes a cold and empty heart to turn human suffering into some endless political “cause” to get votes and scam cash from taxpayers rather than actually trying to help suffering humans and protect the community.

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All bureaucratic lies and gobbledygook, designed to...what? Convince us that the people on the streets are just mirages? Urban hikers? Or just an effort to keep the money flowing to all the workers in the homeless industrial complex.

Our city was so proud of its metric of "six housed individuals" last year with a budget of $2M. I wonder how long they stayed housed; that number not available.

Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?

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They have decided to make these poor people a “cause” rather than seek solutions because a cause without a solution means an endless flow of money to “address” rather than solve problems.

We see this in our constant foreign intervention mission creep, from climate alarmist, a shocking number of NGOs, education, and so many other areas of public policy. The money flow becomes more appealing than actually fixing, solving, or sustainably improving anything. Sad.

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SF has a weather underground office. WEF filth.

Weiner is a pervert promoter of pedo acts and sustainable living compounds for everyone.

Nancy owns 3 mansions, yet SF is not a place I will go back to.

Unsafe, filthy, fraudulent and disgusting.

Interesting how Treasonous Democrats sellout beautiful cities that used to bring in tons of tourists revenue.

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Thanks to you and your team Michael Shellenberger for uncovering the facts and helping to bring accountability!

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Michael - in my random errand running and radio dial surfing (yes, I am that old) up you popped on Glenn Beck. I did a double take, damn near drove off the road!

Balls! Just balls to go on that sort of reach out. Seriously, if you can see the value of exposing yourself to a variety of audiences, you’ve got a chance. Slim perhaps, but a chance.

I thought you handled it well and came across as thoughtful, honest, “evolved” (sorry). You dealt with Beck’s LGBT probing question well - by answering a different question. But others may not let you off that hook so easily.

I think you managed to get Beck if not on your side at least seeing you as perhaps better that Newsome.

Nice work.

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I donated to your campaign, and I don’t even live in CA. Really hope you win Michael. Glad you’re running as an independent.

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I really like your term pathological altruism- looks like some of that on display here:)

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We’ve been doing it wrong all this time, what the addicts really need are healing crystals!

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Given the way they've acted for decades, and in particular the last few years, it's not surprising at all.

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One only need ask a former Soviet citizen if hopes and dreams make great policy.

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Arrest Soros, Gates, Weiner that disgusting pervert, Gavi for treason, Nancy for treason, Fienstien , treason, Kamala, treason and stupidity. Maxine for violation of funds, Shiftty for murdering that poor black child in a hotel room, amongst other treasonous things , why do most of the filth come out of California?

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Scat Francisco epitomizes the corrupt dystopias across the country ruled by the Obammunists. This is precisely what they want - an ever-rising population of drug-addicted criminals who will terrorize regular citizens and provide muscle for the elite, a permanent crime wave that will over time put an end to private businesses and "force" the state to take over large swaths of the economy and a permanent pretext for ever-greater government social welfare expenditures that will be corruptly distributed and embezzled.

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I’m not interested in objectifying shitty data. We still don’t know what “meaningful interactions” are. Where are the results?

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The results of this are the visible failures right outside your window!

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