Thank you for the great reporting. It is both amazing and disheartening that this comes from a small cadre of independent reporters. Subscribing is money well spent on getting some real investigative journalism

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When your paycheck, mainstream medias, comes from the very industries that are the biggest advertising dollars you do t have the availability to speak truth to power. I’m so grateful to all the reporters doing such amazing work to uncover what many of us have known for a while. This was a huge coverup, and there’s still no origin animal to human transmission. All LAB created. The truth always prevails in the end.

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That the corporate press believes this is not newsworthy tells you all you need to know. I’m already trying to think of how they’re going to spin this when they finally do have to report on it. I’m coming up blank. They’ll really have to take their propaganda game to the next level here.

Not sure how they’re going to pull it off, but I’d bet it’ll either be somehow all Trump’s fault, or drawing the only logical conclusions that can be drawn from these documents makes one a right-wing conspiracy nut. “Trump administration forced scientists to mislead public on Covid origins”. Or “private documents stolen by far-right operatives fuel baseless conspiracy theories”. Or something. I don’t put anything past them these days.

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We can’t let them get away with it. The MSM is a massive propaganda machine in most Western countries. Our press is now the same as Iran, Cuba, Russia, China et all. Until their owners ‘get it’ ppl can stop their newspaper subscriptions, stop watching the most stridently biased (like Canada’s CBC, UK’s BBC and US CNN). Time for us to BUD Light them.

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Amazing work. Now let’s hope Congress gets the message

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Half of Congress doesn’t want to hear the message. It goes against their “narrative “. People don’t put any stock in what the “scientists “ say anymore.

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Sad but true

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We all know this virus came from a lab. Why can't Congress seem to hold these people accountable for funding this research and also for covering it up and lying to Congress about it?

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Why because Congress has been neutered. We have the illusion of Democracy. Even the "elected President" is almost brain dead and frequently remarks about him "getting in trouble" if he says something his handlers don't like. So who is REALLY running the government? Think, think hard.

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Maybe because the funding mechanisms are opaque and in our environment you're either for something or against something, morality and truth be damned.

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Fauci and all of them belong in prison. https://tenor.com/bizhh.gif

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Yet nothing will happen to ANY of them.

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Absolutely. It would really send a message for the future.

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My doctor has said that, one of several who recommended the shot originally.

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So, what does happen to people who lie directly to Congress? This smirking, smarter-than-anyone-else attitude has absolutely no place in scientific inquiry.

Every one of these arrogant... I’m trying to think of a word that isn’t one my mother would wash my mouth out for saying ... ‘scientists’ should lose their jobs and be relegated to scrubbing toilets for their future living.

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Bet your mother would call them assholes.

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Only if she were really mad though.... like really mad.

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It all depends on who you are. If your name is Roger Stone, you get a massive FBI raid on your home @ 6am with even a water assault on an old man's house included. Incredible. And he didn't ACTUALLY lie to Congress, they trapped him into some confusion over the history which like anyone is not perfectly remembered.

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Prison toilets.

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Sadly, the people who should read this won't. It's not that people can't "handle the truth", it's that they don't want to even know the truth; most people have an intractable way of thinking and belong to social groups that think the same way they do. To see things in a different way threatens their social ties and puts doubt into their belief system. I see this on both sides of the political spectrum.

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Sad but (mostly) true. Still we shouldn’t give up on people. The truth will eventually affect them like a hard smack to the face. (Not condoning violence!)

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How though? Think of the Georgia State House member who just switched parties? Her detractors are publicly advocating for her death, ostricism, injury, enslavement, etc. If she is honest in her belief that her former Dem comrades have become corrupted zealots, that has to come from her being smacked in the face by some truths. Yet her former constituents are so ardent that they want her dead. They apparently think whatever is striking them is an opposite truth. Hard bias rarely finds truth, it just rationalizes it.

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A question...is Fred Ickenham related to Clarence Threepwood, 9th Earl of Emsworth? Just curious

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It’s a matter of time and tenacity; we slowly chip away at the lies, point out the illogic, stand firm and never let up on an opportunity to do so.

(I have to believe that’s going to work eventually otherwise why bother?)

We’ve come a long way already, despite the specific example you give (which is 🤯).

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Oh I agree that fighting the good fight is the only way. But I am surrounded by people, even loved ones who don't have it in their brains to see reality for what it is or even the understand that their beliefs are founded on rational quicksand because they cannot bring themselves to separate from their trusted biases. It is confounding to simply engage in questioning some troubling irrationalities with people who simply become like wood when discussion turns to anything beyond the banal.

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Yes, I’m in the same boat. So many of us reading this are. Everyone in my family too, apart from my Mum. But then last week she told me that her my uncle — her brother — finally said to her, “I think you’re right”. This is after 3 years of her sharing the info and perspectives I’d been sharing with her (it made sense to her right away; she’s not a lover of pharmaceuticals). My uncle has just been diagnosed with cancer, and another aunt (younger than him and my Mum) just died from cancer. He told her he won’t be getting any more boosters. These last 2 years he’s been urging her to “get updated.” I didn’t want anyone to get this kind of “smack in the face” but they are tragically manifesting… a lot.

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I think we are all in the same boat. And yet, I grew up with a father who was practically a socialist and a mom who was a Republican and they had a wonderful marriage. Around our table there were the most interesting discussions. Today, though, seems so different. Both my kids are on the opposite ends of the political/social spectrum. They are very close but really cannot speak too much about politics without things getting a bit tense.

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Yeah that's an awful way to wake up from a political trance. Unfortunately so much of how people now view reality is because of how political we have become. When I was a lad beyond some appropriating our parents views as our own, we didn't engage in politics at all. And entering adulthood, the mantra of our reality was not simply "dad thinks this so I won't" or President X I a heretic so whatever he says I shall fight against.". Trump showed America what it has become; he became the anti-Christ who could suggest that people eat more salad and half the country would say he's anti-fat. There seems like a complete misunderstanding that scientific inquiry, involves hypothesis, testing and findings that evolve as scientists advance their knowledge of a subject and/or conditions change.

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“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”

― Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds(1841)

Watch the Original Star Trek Episode, Return of the Archons, to see an example of what is going on.

Sulu was zapped before he returned to Enterprise. He no longer remembered who he was originally, and lashed out when he realized that he was surrounded by people who were not of the “Body”. Even McCoy was converted and did not remember who he was, and lashed out.

– Remember, there were people who were not under control by Landru, but went along so that they were not killed.

That's the main point to remember, these people are "sleep walking", no amount of logic or reason will help to wake them up. I saw that at the start of the Pandemic, people were literally getting upset, almost screaming at me, when I tried to give them "logic or reason".

On top of the Pandemic was all of the other "madness" that came crawling out of the woodwork, BLM, Woke, "Trans", etc...

- That was deliberate, the "Evil Geniuses" know how to push our buttons.

When people finally "come to their senses", they won't remember what they did. They aren't in that mindset anymore and will even deny that they were screaming at other people, those not of "The Body".

- It is like waking from a bad fever dream.

Sadly, this happens on a regular basis. If you look back over the past couple of centuries you will see many examples, and no one talks about it afterward.

- Once the fever breaks, no one will remember that any of this happened, and will be primed for the next attack by the "Evil Geniuses.

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whew. my pet pangolin has been exonerated..but still not sure about my pet bat.. great reporting. I hope people notice

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Excellent report, as always. I’d like to share a fascinating Bayesian probability analysis of the lab leak hypothesis by David Friedman. In part, this involves:

“To apply the same approach to using the agreed on facts to estimate the probability that Covid originated as a lab leak, assuming the source was either a lab leak or animal to human transmission in a wet market that sold live animals, we need the prior probability for a lab leak happening, the probability that if the origin was a lab leak Covid would have first appeared in Wuhan and the probability that if the origin was zoonotic it would have first appeared in Wuhan.”

Friedman concludes that, if you start with a 50/50 probability of a lab leak vs. animal origin, you end up with 99% probability of the lab origin. If you start with a mere 10% prior probability of a lab leak, you still end up with a 92% probability. Check out his reasoning.


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Oh that is fantastic. The competing narratives of natural origin vs a leak from a lab... doing work on bats... including GoF.... in the area of Covid research is what makes the scientific certainty of rapid onset natural selection so outlandish. Doing a statistical analysis of the situation forces the absurd false equivalence into the open.

A damning feature of this episode of "scientists who lie to perpetuate a scientific falsehood" is that a group of government funded drones met repeatedly in secret, entirely declaimed their scientific suspicions then state with 100% certainty that a hypothesis without data is truth, all while using the word Science! As a cudgel against questions. As that narrative has sort of crumbled they have moved to "we may never know the origin of Covid". Anyone with a functioning brain should see the shift as evidence of filthy corruption. 1. We're absolutely, infallibly certain of natural selection., or 2. we can't really ever know natural selection vs that other thing. What a complete load of shite foisted off on the taxpaying public.

Cleaning toilets is too good for people who not only perpetuate lies about the greatest public health upheaval in modern history, but then attack anyone willing to ask for honest answers.

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Wow. Statistics was not my favorite subject in school, but this is fascinating.

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It's sad that what should be a bombshell report will most likely never gain any traction in the MSM and the broader public. Our information landscape is completely fucked.

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Great article! Fauci et. al. belong behind bars.

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Is there anything stronger than the like button?

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The "email my representatives" web search, and you conveying your comments to those in your Congressional district. No?

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Paid subscription I guess and we have all done that,

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Excellent story. Of course our "objective mainstream media" will jump all over these revelations. This kind of work is why I support you guys.

And Michael, I'm constantly impressed at how well you have transitioned to an (investigative) reporter <sarcasm/>despite never having subjected yourself to those tough, rigorous journalistic classes one would normally have to endure at the Columbia School of Journalism.</sarcasm>

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Never forget the hallowed halls of Northwestern. There are some really great activists....I mean professors there.

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Well it’s not like that ever happens in any other scientific field. Particularly environment/climate. It’s not like the entire COVID-19(84) model was perfected there years earlier.

So, we have that going for us.


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Well said. If only you and Public and other honest, inquiring parties could pull a Wonder Twins move..."Wonder Twins power, form of an eagle of truth!"

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If a government employee uses a personal email to conduct government business, one would think that record would be subject to both FOIA and disclosure to an OIG investigator who should be conducting an internal investigation. We have to hold government officials accountable to lies.

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Thank you for your patriotism and for your commitment to actual journalism. Hopefully, this grows less and less rare.

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I wish I had hope that something will come of this.

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If there was any honesty left at the Times or Post, this combined with Russiagate would require literally hundreds, if not thousands of articles to be removed due to being completely wrong. They should remove every article from 2016-2021 just to be safe and pretend those years didn’t happen.

The “reality based community” who reads those papers religiously is living in a parallel reality. Honestly at this point a schizophrenic who spends all his time on 4chan might have more accurate beliefs than a Times reader with a masters degree living in Brooklyn.

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