I never said that proved murder, but it does add a counterpoint to the narrative that he was a great cop, a law enforcer. I usually prefer to see law enforcers following the law. I have no sympathy for either Chauvin or Floyd. It's fitting that their interaction led to both going down, but 3 cops got fragged by these 2 jerks.
"...it does add a counterpoint to the narrative that he was a great cop, a law enforcer." A straw man. Nobody said he was a great human being and a perfect cop.
In a court of law, if someone is accused of murder, the judge (if he/she's a good one) won't allow the prosecution to bring in evidence that he kicked his dog and cheated on his taxes. The accused may be a sorry excuse for a human being, but it's inflammatory and prejudices the jury to put those facts into evidence. They don't prove his guilt one way or another.
You've already admitted you hate Chauvin. You slimed the guy to try to win an argument. It's a cheap stunt, kmick.
The central question in this discussion is Chauvin's guilt in murdering a human being. You bring in that he was behind in paying his taxes. That is irrelevant to his guilt. Typical leftist tactic- manipulate people's feelings with irrelevant factoids.
He did it to himself and dragged down 3 other cops when he wouldn't remove his knee off the neck until the last few seconds. That would be similar to saying a woman was at fault for her own death if a rapist kidnaps her and then dumps her naked on the side of the road in the middle of the winter and she dies from exposure that was multiplied by any illicit drugs she had in her system. Like the transmaidens slobbering over the worst males and showing zero sympathy to those damaged in the fray, you show no sympathy to the other 3 cops and you put Chauvin on a pedestal, and also bring in that Floyd had drugs in his system. Typical leftist tactic to manipulate other people's feelings with irrelevant facts.
It was actually another commenter who brought in drugs in Floyd's system- b/c the tox screen showed for most people it was a lethal dose. For Floyd, it may not have been lethal b/c he was a habitual user. There's expert opinion on that, but no way to really know for sure.
What I didn't bring up, but you're provoking me to do it now, is Floyd's autopsy showed NO CAUSE-AND-EFFECT between Chauvin's knee on Floyd's throat or shoulder blade and Floyd's death.
I challenge you to point out anything I wrote where I "put Chauvin on a pedestal."
You have a right to your feelings. You have a right to be angry. But if your anger is going to cause you to try to convict Chauvin in the court of public opinion - in comment forum like this - I have a right to point out some of your accusations, though they may be true, have no relevance to his guilt.
Those other cops didn't do anything wrong. A lot of emotion was spun up over St. George supposedly being murdered by racist police, and the mob had to be placated. That's on our justice system, not on Chauvin.
Just to check what you think you know vs actual facts, how many unarmed black males do you estimate were killed by police in any recent year? Here, "unarmed" is a pretty good but not perfect indicator of whether the cop was justified in killing an assailant to defend his own life.
How many do you estimate in any year? You pick the year. Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? An estimate, please.
The knee on the neck for most of the 9 1/2 minutes is not an opinion but is fact, and I never stated Chauvin caused Floyd's death. But like the hypothetical rapist who dumped a woman that eventually died from exposure on a freezing night, both Chauvin and Floyd contributed to the outcome. I also did not bring race or "unarmed black males" into this discussion.
Actually, the body worn camera show knee on upper shoulder as did other evidence provided in court. Chauvin was convicted because of politics not evidence.
The body worn camera showed knee on neck and shoulder. This pressure was applied for a total of 9 1/2 minutes. I'm not familiar with the statutes on manslaughter and murder, but off the cuff I would say this contributed to manslaughter. If you want to parse the videos second by second and look for any time the knee was not on the neck for a second, and then use that to justify Chauvin's bad judgement, go right ahead. Better yet, get down on the floor and let a grown man put pressure for 9 1/2 minutes and see what happens.
Heart disease and fentanyl contributed substantially. The restraint was used hundreds of time in Minneapolis without consequence. Floyd should have listened to his pals, he shouldn't have swallowed the drugs etc. Watching the full video is quite revealing.
Us??? Do you have clones? I don't have any anger about Chauvin and Floyd. It happened and I have no control over the results, but I hope other cops will be more likely to intervene when something is going awry. Changes were made in the cockpit hierarchy after the Tenerife aircraft disaster in 1977. The pilot screwed up and the co-pilot knew he did, but in those days, nobody challenged the captain. While cops do need to back each other up, there is a line that sometimes has to be crossed.
Well you fooled me. Sounded like a lot of anger. All pissy other cops didn't intervene. I wrongly thought you blamed Chauvin for murdering Floyd. All the rest of the progressive world does.
But all that back-and-forth, it's not that you blame Chauvin for murdering Floyd. No. You spewed a lot of verbiage all b/c Chauvin put his knee on Floyd's neck. You wrote a lot of words b/c Chauvin had the unmitigated gall to put his knee on Floyd's neck. For a whole 9 1/2 minutes. Wow.
"To complete the picture, Chauvin had fraudulent car registration and tax evasion."
Welp. What more proof does anybody need? Chauvin is guilty of murdering George Floyd.
I never said that proved murder, but it does add a counterpoint to the narrative that he was a great cop, a law enforcer. I usually prefer to see law enforcers following the law. I have no sympathy for either Chauvin or Floyd. It's fitting that their interaction led to both going down, but 3 cops got fragged by these 2 jerks.
"...it does add a counterpoint to the narrative that he was a great cop, a law enforcer." A straw man. Nobody said he was a great human being and a perfect cop.
In a court of law, if someone is accused of murder, the judge (if he/she's a good one) won't allow the prosecution to bring in evidence that he kicked his dog and cheated on his taxes. The accused may be a sorry excuse for a human being, but it's inflammatory and prejudices the jury to put those facts into evidence. They don't prove his guilt one way or another.
You've already admitted you hate Chauvin. You slimed the guy to try to win an argument. It's a cheap stunt, kmick.
I did not slime Chauvin. He slimed himself. What a judge will or will not allow is up to the judge.
Oh. Now your resorting to "he did it to himself."
The central question in this discussion is Chauvin's guilt in murdering a human being. You bring in that he was behind in paying his taxes. That is irrelevant to his guilt. Typical leftist tactic- manipulate people's feelings with irrelevant factoids.
He did it to himself and dragged down 3 other cops when he wouldn't remove his knee off the neck until the last few seconds. That would be similar to saying a woman was at fault for her own death if a rapist kidnaps her and then dumps her naked on the side of the road in the middle of the winter and she dies from exposure that was multiplied by any illicit drugs she had in her system. Like the transmaidens slobbering over the worst males and showing zero sympathy to those damaged in the fray, you show no sympathy to the other 3 cops and you put Chauvin on a pedestal, and also bring in that Floyd had drugs in his system. Typical leftist tactic to manipulate other people's feelings with irrelevant facts.
It was actually another commenter who brought in drugs in Floyd's system- b/c the tox screen showed for most people it was a lethal dose. For Floyd, it may not have been lethal b/c he was a habitual user. There's expert opinion on that, but no way to really know for sure.
What I didn't bring up, but you're provoking me to do it now, is Floyd's autopsy showed NO CAUSE-AND-EFFECT between Chauvin's knee on Floyd's throat or shoulder blade and Floyd's death.
I challenge you to point out anything I wrote where I "put Chauvin on a pedestal."
You have a right to your feelings. You have a right to be angry. But if your anger is going to cause you to try to convict Chauvin in the court of public opinion - in comment forum like this - I have a right to point out some of your accusations, though they may be true, have no relevance to his guilt.
Those other cops didn't do anything wrong. A lot of emotion was spun up over St. George supposedly being murdered by racist police, and the mob had to be placated. That's on our justice system, not on Chauvin.
Just to check what you think you know vs actual facts, how many unarmed black males do you estimate were killed by police in any recent year? Here, "unarmed" is a pretty good but not perfect indicator of whether the cop was justified in killing an assailant to defend his own life.
How many do you estimate in any year? You pick the year. Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? An estimate, please.
The knee on the neck for most of the 9 1/2 minutes is not an opinion but is fact, and I never stated Chauvin caused Floyd's death. But like the hypothetical rapist who dumped a woman that eventually died from exposure on a freezing night, both Chauvin and Floyd contributed to the outcome. I also did not bring race or "unarmed black males" into this discussion.
Actually, the body worn camera show knee on upper shoulder as did other evidence provided in court. Chauvin was convicted because of politics not evidence.
The body worn camera showed knee on neck and shoulder. This pressure was applied for a total of 9 1/2 minutes. I'm not familiar with the statutes on manslaughter and murder, but off the cuff I would say this contributed to manslaughter. If you want to parse the videos second by second and look for any time the knee was not on the neck for a second, and then use that to justify Chauvin's bad judgement, go right ahead. Better yet, get down on the floor and let a grown man put pressure for 9 1/2 minutes and see what happens.
Heart disease and fentanyl contributed substantially. The restraint was used hundreds of time in Minneapolis without consequence. Floyd should have listened to his pals, he shouldn't have swallowed the drugs etc. Watching the full video is quite revealing.
You are correct- you never mentioned "un-armed black males" or brought race into the discussion.
Why does Chauvin's knee on Floyd's neck cause so much anger for you if you don't think it caused Floyd's death?
You think it was a contributor (a rapist dumping a woman out in freezing cold), along with Floyd's drug use? Help us out.
Us??? Do you have clones? I don't have any anger about Chauvin and Floyd. It happened and I have no control over the results, but I hope other cops will be more likely to intervene when something is going awry. Changes were made in the cockpit hierarchy after the Tenerife aircraft disaster in 1977. The pilot screwed up and the co-pilot knew he did, but in those days, nobody challenged the captain. While cops do need to back each other up, there is a line that sometimes has to be crossed.
Well you fooled me. Sounded like a lot of anger. All pissy other cops didn't intervene. I wrongly thought you blamed Chauvin for murdering Floyd. All the rest of the progressive world does.
But all that back-and-forth, it's not that you blame Chauvin for murdering Floyd. No. You spewed a lot of verbiage all b/c Chauvin put his knee on Floyd's neck. You wrote a lot of words b/c Chauvin had the unmitigated gall to put his knee on Floyd's neck. For a whole 9 1/2 minutes. Wow.
Is that it? Do I have that straight now?