Here in LA our gas prices are somewhere close to $7 a gallon...$7!!...and just think how much that raises the price of everything else.
Shouldn't Newsom & Biden be taking a victory lap and campaigning on their achievement? Wasn't this the goal: to make gas so expensive that people use less of it, thus helping save the planet and making us more likely to shop for an electric car?
Isn't their plan proceeding apace? Are we not supposed to notice that they've promised to kill off fossil fuels and now we're living with the consequences?
The Democrats are starting to seem like an abusive spouse: ugly threats and abuse until you consider throwing them out, and then lies, gaslighting and promises of change until you forgive...or until the election is over.
And yet they have one institution which is key institution helping them do all this crazy stuff. That institution is the Republicans. If this election isn't a blowout, you can blame the Republicans. The Republicans are the party that lost all of the strategic institutions in this country. They enable the whacko party (the Democrats) to run things into the ground. Over and over the stupid party (Republicans) keep enabling the Democrats to screw our country.
Example of Republican stupidty. What party puts a bill forward for a total ban on abortion in a very conservative state that then gets massively killed by the voters? Do they not know what their own voters will stomach.
"And yet they have one institution which is helping them do all this crazy stuff..." I really thought your next words would be: the media. (!)
Guess we have different obsessions ;)
Politicians seem to cater to their most devoted and zealous activist and donor base, which means the extremes have more say and more power, and also helps explain why both parties seem to be locked into self-defeating and incoherent sucks for the country but keeps the donations rolling in and keeps incumbents in office.
President Trump was a very good President. The Democrats chose two of the worst candidates for President and Vice President ever in 2020. They won only because of their media constantly attacking Trump and withholding anything positive for the President (such as delaying news that the vaccine was approved until after election day), and massive donations to the party from the super-rich (such as $350 million from the Zuckerbergs). It was not anything that the Republicans did that caused Biden/Harris to win.
I can't say it was or wasn't. But there's no denying, some strange things happened. Five different states stopped counting, unexpectedly, at the same time? In most of them Trump was leading when everyone went to bed. The next morning everything was reversed.
Instead of showing us the elections were honest, all the election officials circled the wagons and lawyered up. Yeah, there were court cases. But not one heard any evidence. They were all summarily dismissed, usually for lack of standing.
Many state legislatures wanted to delay the Jan 6 certification of the election to allow some time to investigate some of the oddities, and wrote letters saying that. The events surrounding this have been wrongly reported as John Eastland advising VP Pence he could "overrule" the slates of electors put forward by each state. That's false. What he actually advised was to grant the states the ten days they requested to do the investigations.
Finally- no one can KNOW the election was honest. For the same reasons Einstein said all the scientists in the world could not prove his theories right, but a single one could prove him wrong, it's impossible for anyone to say the elections were honest. Anyone who says "Trump has falsely claimed the election was stolen..." is getting way out in front of their headlights. They're stating something they cannot know.
Good comments. I firmly believe that the stiff-arming SCOTUS gave to the 29 states that brought suit against the scofflaw battleground states was the final straw that compelled so many Americans to meet at the Capitol on January 6th. If there had been a fair hearing, I don't believe the riot would have occurred.
Your conflating Einstein's relativity theories with the vote count is absurd. Einstein's theories have stood the test of time by being verified by many observations and experiments. They can never be proven 100% correct. There were multiple recounts in Georgia; an "audit" in Arizona came to the same conclusion as the official recounts. Biden won the election. These were the two states with the narrowest margins. If one uses your "logic", it is just as likely that Trump lost the 2016 election. Biden won. The elections were honest beyond a reasonable doubt. It's quite a remarkable coincidence that the only disputed elections are the ones that Trump lost in so-called swing states
On September 30, U.S. district judge Steven Jones threw out the lawsuit filed in 2018 by Stacey Abrams and her political action committee, Fair Fight Georgia. The Epoch Times reported that the lawsuit alleged election irregularities, and Judge Jones ruled that "although Georgia's election system is not perfect, the challenged practices violate neither the constitution nor the [Voting Rights Amendment]." However, Abrams was still able to reinstate 22,000 rejected provisional and absentee ballots after the 2018 election.
This judge was on to something when he said Georgia's election system isn't perfect. Here are just a few of the inconsistencies from the 2020 election you can find documentation of on the VoterGA website:
There are six sworn affidavits of counterfeit mail-in ballots in Fulton Co. election results scaling into the tens of thousands.
All 350,000+ original in-person ballot images in Fulton are missing in violation of federal and state retention law.
All 393,000+ original ballot images in Cobb are missing in violation of federal and state retention law.
Audits show how the tallies match up with the ballots. They cannot reveal if the ballots that made it into the system were legit in the first place. IOW, counterfeit mail-in ballots are treated like valid ones, as far as an audit is concerned.
You understand that, don't you Art?
Concerning your comment "The elections were honest beyond a reasonable doubt.", polling of American public opinion shows more than half of Americans think the 2020 election was questionable. You're stretching it beyond the breaking point to say, "beyond a reasonable doubt."
No, at least three states have been ruled to have violated their elections laws in the 2020 general election... Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. How is it possible to certify a vote if the election was conducted in an illegal manner?
If that is true than why does the UNI-party want to spend >$1B on custom top-secret voting machines that can be hacked in 15m (Democrats proved that in their own video)? And why do they launch endless lawsuits preventing a physical ballot recount and standard ballot verification procedure as is done in virtually every democracy on the planet (except the USSA).
There's So Much Election Fraud Evidence It's Hard To Keep Up!
Here are eight articles from yours truly summarizing all the fraud:
"...Why do Democrats continue to insist that election fraud does not exist — and that such “baseless claims” have been “debunked” — when prominent Democrats insisted that election fraud does exist and it’s a very big problem in 2017 and 2108 and 2019 and 2020? Did they all suffer from simultaneous amnesia about the hearings they held, the expert witnesses they gathered, and the interviews they gave for the documentary “Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections” on HBO? ..."
"...The election integrity group VoterGA has produced a new video on Georgia’s 2020 election, and the video shows obvious and massive voter fraud. This is one of the best videos that I’ve ever seen on how our elections are corrupted by using electronic voting machines. It covers the deceptive practices used in the election night vote, and the “risk-limiting” audit, and the machine recount. ..."
Here are three experts, actual statisticians, document recent examples of blatant, in-your-face voting machine fraud:
The Democrats are whacko and the Republicans are stupid. I am standing by statement that it is the Republicans which are enabling Democrats. They themselves lost all of the key institutions in the country by their stupid multi-decade war on culture that they completely lost. And are they going to wipe out the Dems think election cycle. They better or they are more stupid than even I think.
My way of describing what Shellenberger said is, Biden himself, as well as his appointed diplomatic aids, unintentionally insulted the Saudis at every opportunity.
Didn't they tell us, if we elected them, the adults would be in charge? Their ham-handed handling of this situation shows they don't have a clue.
They're not nearly as smart and clever as they think they are.
it takes excellent planning and coordination to get the 2000 mules to elect the jackass. "They're not nearly as smart and clever as they think they are" DNC winner and everything is going well to plans.
"Of course, Biden is effectively playing poker with his cards facing up. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, or OPEC+ if you include Russia) knows what Biden is up to, is aware of the finite amount of oil remaining in the SPR, and will play its cards accordingly"
I have a neck ache because I cannot stop shaking my head over the destructive absurdity of this administration and the depth and breadth of media coverage to insist that things are normal and good.
I'm here because I have lost faith in American politicians' interest in promoting the good of American citizens. I recycle, minimize energy consumption, drive a small and fuel-efficient car, wear sweaters in the winter and sweat in the summer. Heck, I even take submarine showers.
Mr. Shellenberger was my candidate for the governor of California, but instead we got more of the self-absorbed empty suit who understands none of this.
I have a lot to say about the schizophrenic energy and minerals policies of this administration (seems to be more interested in geographical name changes than producing critically needed oil and minerals), but I have to mention that Biden's claim of his son dying in Iraq is truly sad. The man is so desperate to be a Gold Star father of a war hero (how does a Green Zone JAG officer earn a Bronze Star?) that he is allowing himself to believe the tall tale. That wrenches at my heart, but also confirms with me that he is not fit to be POTUS or CnC.
If you can’t tell the truth about how your own child died, you are either lying (to what end?) or so brain dead you should not be in charge of a football pool.
And here in California Gov Newsom and his ultra progressives are doing everything they can to actively and totally destroy ALL in-state oil and gas production, regardless of the economic catastrophe that will ensue for communities dependent on the direct economic benefits of the industry, the environmental destruction of importing all of our oil, and the geopolitical risks of all this. Many ordinary people have jobs in the business that they will lose, and there are no other comparable jobs. Many communities will lose social services because the revenues generated by the in-state oil production won't be there. It is absolute insanity and it gets worse every day. Few people outside the industry know about this.
When asked directly, state officials refuse to answer the question of why they prefer to import oil from countries that are destroying the environment and have horrible records on human rights. They refuse to answer why the prefer to import oil in tankers regardless of the pollution (and their hated carbon emissions) resulting from the tankers. I sat in a public meeting where several state officials were asked these questions repeatedly, and they never answered, just mumbling about climate change blah blah blah. Then they say the oil shutdown is all about environmental reasons. They are TOTAL HYPOCRITES and no one in the press calls them out about it. Michael, this is going on in your own state, can you provide more publicity for what California is doing to its own energy industry?
Ask yourself this. How can every Western nation be similarly stupid (or even more stupid, i.e. Trudeau) simultaneously? Ya think maybe, possibly there is some outfit coordinating all this, for nefarious reasons?
Isn't this move by the Biden Administration to ask a foreign country to modify their own policies to help influence an election an impeachable offense?
Amazing how Biden’s administration can never seem to manage to tell the truth! Can’t blame the Saudi’s for being angry. The US had lost all respect under this clown.
Biden's energy policies are those of the Green New Deal whos proponents are against all fossil fuels. Previously fracked wells are still producing some gas so we will probably get thru this coming winter. A bigger problem is that Biden seems to be pushing for a nuclear showdown with Russia. Our political Elite class seem to be pushing him in that direction.
Curiously they are much more fiercely against Nuclear power which is the only viable alternative to fossil fuels. Greenie heaven, Germany, is ramping up coal burning while insisting on shutting down the last of their nuclear reactors this December.
Brian Deese is a liar and a coward. Pathetic a grown man can’t tell the truth when asked directly 3-4 times. We can all handle the truth because it is so, lies and dissent fuel furry and resentment. Our federal and California governance is so poor. The people at large don’t come first - that’s obvious. This mentality will inevitably backfire.
Biden and his progressive whacko's are now playing the "Russia, Russia, Russia" card on our allies. It was all sweet virtue signaling with roses and awards all around for every pronouncement on our great green transition. But then they started to actually try to kill the fossil fuel industry and then the rubber started hitting the road. Biden is abandoned the border, he has abandoned our energy sector, he has abandoned our allies and I predict that food production and inflation will next start to become a problem.
If you want to read someone else that really knows what's going on, look up "Francis Menton Manhattan Contrarian" and read his blog. He has some really good stuff showing how their is not a single working net-zero project in the world and no plans to do one. Every plan he has reviewed has been a complete joke. In addition German nor California has anywhere near the capacity to store renewable power for the entire Country or state for more than a few minutes. And no plans to provide for such.
You get the leaders you deserve. I don't see anyway out of this mess right now. It appears to me the only way for the administration out of this is to kill the economy to force energy demand destruction. I no longer think that our current government really has our best interest at heart. This pains me to say this, but I believe a lot of our own people would like to see this country fail if they can't have their way about things.
To clarify one point, I believe the reduction is in quota, not output. OPEC hadn't been meeting the quota for some time. So this makes their quota and output more in line.
I didn't vote for either party's candidate in the last two presidential elections, but it's pretty clear that the two priorities of the Democratic Party, our "elite" media and our wonderful tech oligarchs are Keeping (Trump) Hate Alive and regulating what we are allowed to say.
I hate this blasted pandemic, but, even more, I miss free speech.
Here in LA our gas prices are somewhere close to $7 a gallon...$7!!...and just think how much that raises the price of everything else.
Shouldn't Newsom & Biden be taking a victory lap and campaigning on their achievement? Wasn't this the goal: to make gas so expensive that people use less of it, thus helping save the planet and making us more likely to shop for an electric car?
Isn't their plan proceeding apace? Are we not supposed to notice that they've promised to kill off fossil fuels and now we're living with the consequences?
The Democrats are starting to seem like an abusive spouse: ugly threats and abuse until you consider throwing them out, and then lies, gaslighting and promises of change until you forgive...or until the election is over.
Thanks again to Michael, a great job as always.
And yet they have one institution which is key institution helping them do all this crazy stuff. That institution is the Republicans. If this election isn't a blowout, you can blame the Republicans. The Republicans are the party that lost all of the strategic institutions in this country. They enable the whacko party (the Democrats) to run things into the ground. Over and over the stupid party (Republicans) keep enabling the Democrats to screw our country.
Example of Republican stupidty. What party puts a bill forward for a total ban on abortion in a very conservative state that then gets massively killed by the voters? Do they not know what their own voters will stomach.
"And yet they have one institution which is helping them do all this crazy stuff..." I really thought your next words would be: the media. (!)
Guess we have different obsessions ;)
Politicians seem to cater to their most devoted and zealous activist and donor base, which means the extremes have more say and more power, and also helps explain why both parties seem to be locked into self-defeating and incoherent sucks for the country but keeps the donations rolling in and keeps incumbents in office.
If you think Republican elected officials do what their base want them to do, you really need to get out more.
who told u i never leave the house!?? we must be friends IRL...
perhaps their base is the Fortune 500, the chamber of Commerce and Business Roundtable, and whoever else can write big checks.
Now you understand.
President Trump was a very good President. The Democrats chose two of the worst candidates for President and Vice President ever in 2020. They won only because of their media constantly attacking Trump and withholding anything positive for the President (such as delaying news that the vaccine was approved until after election day), and massive donations to the party from the super-rich (such as $350 million from the Zuckerbergs). It was not anything that the Republicans did that caused Biden/Harris to win.
The joker in the deck- was it an honest election?
I can't say it was or wasn't. But there's no denying, some strange things happened. Five different states stopped counting, unexpectedly, at the same time? In most of them Trump was leading when everyone went to bed. The next morning everything was reversed.
Instead of showing us the elections were honest, all the election officials circled the wagons and lawyered up. Yeah, there were court cases. But not one heard any evidence. They were all summarily dismissed, usually for lack of standing.
Many state legislatures wanted to delay the Jan 6 certification of the election to allow some time to investigate some of the oddities, and wrote letters saying that. The events surrounding this have been wrongly reported as John Eastland advising VP Pence he could "overrule" the slates of electors put forward by each state. That's false. What he actually advised was to grant the states the ten days they requested to do the investigations.
Finally- no one can KNOW the election was honest. For the same reasons Einstein said all the scientists in the world could not prove his theories right, but a single one could prove him wrong, it's impossible for anyone to say the elections were honest. Anyone who says "Trump has falsely claimed the election was stolen..." is getting way out in front of their headlights. They're stating something they cannot know.
Good comments. I firmly believe that the stiff-arming SCOTUS gave to the 29 states that brought suit against the scofflaw battleground states was the final straw that compelled so many Americans to meet at the Capitol on January 6th. If there had been a fair hearing, I don't believe the riot would have occurred.
Your conflating Einstein's relativity theories with the vote count is absurd. Einstein's theories have stood the test of time by being verified by many observations and experiments. They can never be proven 100% correct. There were multiple recounts in Georgia; an "audit" in Arizona came to the same conclusion as the official recounts. Biden won the election. These were the two states with the narrowest margins. If one uses your "logic", it is just as likely that Trump lost the 2016 election. Biden won. The elections were honest beyond a reasonable doubt. It's quite a remarkable coincidence that the only disputed elections are the ones that Trump lost in so-called swing states
Art, you're saying the election in GA was all above-board? It's not even a challenge to bat that down:
Stacey Abrams Election Fraud Lawsuit is Discarded
On September 30, U.S. district judge Steven Jones threw out the lawsuit filed in 2018 by Stacey Abrams and her political action committee, Fair Fight Georgia. The Epoch Times reported that the lawsuit alleged election irregularities, and Judge Jones ruled that "although Georgia's election system is not perfect, the challenged practices violate neither the constitution nor the [Voting Rights Amendment]." However, Abrams was still able to reinstate 22,000 rejected provisional and absentee ballots after the 2018 election.
This judge was on to something when he said Georgia's election system isn't perfect. Here are just a few of the inconsistencies from the 2020 election you can find documentation of on the VoterGA website:
There are six sworn affidavits of counterfeit mail-in ballots in Fulton Co. election results scaling into the tens of thousands.
All 350,000+ original in-person ballot images in Fulton are missing in violation of federal and state retention law.
All 393,000+ original ballot images in Cobb are missing in violation of federal and state retention law.
Audits show how the tallies match up with the ballots. They cannot reveal if the ballots that made it into the system were legit in the first place. IOW, counterfeit mail-in ballots are treated like valid ones, as far as an audit is concerned.
You understand that, don't you Art?
Concerning your comment "The elections were honest beyond a reasonable doubt.", polling of American public opinion shows more than half of Americans think the 2020 election was questionable. You're stretching it beyond the breaking point to say, "beyond a reasonable doubt."
No, at least three states have been ruled to have violated their elections laws in the 2020 general election... Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. How is it possible to certify a vote if the election was conducted in an illegal manner?
If that is true than why does the UNI-party want to spend >$1B on custom top-secret voting machines that can be hacked in 15m (Democrats proved that in their own video)? And why do they launch endless lawsuits preventing a physical ballot recount and standard ballot verification procedure as is done in virtually every democracy on the planet (except the USSA).
There's So Much Election Fraud Evidence It's Hard To Keep Up!
Here are eight articles from yours truly summarizing all the fraud:
"...Why do Democrats continue to insist that election fraud does not exist — and that such “baseless claims” have been “debunked” — when prominent Democrats insisted that election fraud does exist and it’s a very big problem in 2017 and 2108 and 2019 and 2020? Did they all suffer from simultaneous amnesia about the hearings they held, the expert witnesses they gathered, and the interviews they gave for the documentary “Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections” on HBO? ..."
"...The election integrity group VoterGA has produced a new video on Georgia’s 2020 election, and the video shows obvious and massive voter fraud. This is one of the best videos that I’ve ever seen on how our elections are corrupted by using electronic voting machines. It covers the deceptive practices used in the election night vote, and the “risk-limiting” audit, and the machine recount. ..."
Here are three experts, actual statisticians, document recent examples of blatant, in-your-face voting machine fraud:
And this is nothing new. The theft of the election from Tim Canova by Debbie Wasserman Schultz using obviously compromised voting machines:
Why Did Bernie Abandon Tim Canova & Election Integrity
it takes excellent planning and coordination to get the 2000 mules to elect the jackass.
The Democrats are whacko and the Republicans are stupid. I am standing by statement that it is the Republicans which are enabling Democrats. They themselves lost all of the key institutions in the country by their stupid multi-decade war on culture that they completely lost. And are they going to wipe out the Dems think election cycle. They better or they are more stupid than even I think.
many RINO's have TDS, you must be infected TOO.
My way of describing what Shellenberger said is, Biden himself, as well as his appointed diplomatic aids, unintentionally insulted the Saudis at every opportunity.
Didn't they tell us, if we elected them, the adults would be in charge? Their ham-handed handling of this situation shows they don't have a clue.
They're not nearly as smart and clever as they think they are.
Indeed. Trump was so much smoother and personable with disagreeable foreign leaders.
it takes excellent planning and coordination to get the 2000 mules to elect the jackass. "They're not nearly as smart and clever as they think they are" DNC winner and everything is going well to plans.
"Of course, Biden is effectively playing poker with his cards facing up. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, or OPEC+ if you include Russia) knows what Biden is up to, is aware of the finite amount of oil remaining in the SPR, and will play its cards accordingly"
I have a neck ache because I cannot stop shaking my head over the destructive absurdity of this administration and the depth and breadth of media coverage to insist that things are normal and good.
I'm here because I have lost faith in American politicians' interest in promoting the good of American citizens. I recycle, minimize energy consumption, drive a small and fuel-efficient car, wear sweaters in the winter and sweat in the summer. Heck, I even take submarine showers.
Mr. Shellenberger was my candidate for the governor of California, but instead we got more of the self-absorbed empty suit who understands none of this.
I have a lot to say about the schizophrenic energy and minerals policies of this administration (seems to be more interested in geographical name changes than producing critically needed oil and minerals), but I have to mention that Biden's claim of his son dying in Iraq is truly sad. The man is so desperate to be a Gold Star father of a war hero (how does a Green Zone JAG officer earn a Bronze Star?) that he is allowing himself to believe the tall tale. That wrenches at my heart, but also confirms with me that he is not fit to be POTUS or CnC.
If you can’t tell the truth about how your own child died, you are either lying (to what end?) or so brain dead you should not be in charge of a football pool.
Right. He lied for political sympathy. Same reason he lied about Beau.
And here in California Gov Newsom and his ultra progressives are doing everything they can to actively and totally destroy ALL in-state oil and gas production, regardless of the economic catastrophe that will ensue for communities dependent on the direct economic benefits of the industry, the environmental destruction of importing all of our oil, and the geopolitical risks of all this. Many ordinary people have jobs in the business that they will lose, and there are no other comparable jobs. Many communities will lose social services because the revenues generated by the in-state oil production won't be there. It is absolute insanity and it gets worse every day. Few people outside the industry know about this.
When asked directly, state officials refuse to answer the question of why they prefer to import oil from countries that are destroying the environment and have horrible records on human rights. They refuse to answer why the prefer to import oil in tankers regardless of the pollution (and their hated carbon emissions) resulting from the tankers. I sat in a public meeting where several state officials were asked these questions repeatedly, and they never answered, just mumbling about climate change blah blah blah. Then they say the oil shutdown is all about environmental reasons. They are TOTAL HYPOCRITES and no one in the press calls them out about it. Michael, this is going on in your own state, can you provide more publicity for what California is doing to its own energy industry?
Keep at it Michael. It is incredible that we can court Venezuelan and Iran while attacking Saudi Arabia and our own petrochemical industries.
How can we be so stupid???
Ask yourself this. How can every Western nation be similarly stupid (or even more stupid, i.e. Trudeau) simultaneously? Ya think maybe, possibly there is some outfit coordinating all this, for nefarious reasons?
Isn't this move by the Biden Administration to ask a foreign country to modify their own policies to help influence an election an impeachable offense?
Only when orange man does it
Fabulous synopsis of the mess the Biden Administration has created with the world's energy supply.
Amazing how Biden’s administration can never seem to manage to tell the truth! Can’t blame the Saudi’s for being angry. The US had lost all respect under this clown.
Biden's energy policies are those of the Green New Deal whos proponents are against all fossil fuels. Previously fracked wells are still producing some gas so we will probably get thru this coming winter. A bigger problem is that Biden seems to be pushing for a nuclear showdown with Russia. Our political Elite class seem to be pushing him in that direction.
Curiously they are much more fiercely against Nuclear power which is the only viable alternative to fossil fuels. Greenie heaven, Germany, is ramping up coal burning while insisting on shutting down the last of their nuclear reactors this December.
“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to frick things up”
Brian Deese is a liar and a coward. Pathetic a grown man can’t tell the truth when asked directly 3-4 times. We can all handle the truth because it is so, lies and dissent fuel furry and resentment. Our federal and California governance is so poor. The people at large don’t come first - that’s obvious. This mentality will inevitably backfire.
Biden and his progressive whacko's are now playing the "Russia, Russia, Russia" card on our allies. It was all sweet virtue signaling with roses and awards all around for every pronouncement on our great green transition. But then they started to actually try to kill the fossil fuel industry and then the rubber started hitting the road. Biden is abandoned the border, he has abandoned our energy sector, he has abandoned our allies and I predict that food production and inflation will next start to become a problem.
If you want to read someone else that really knows what's going on, look up "Francis Menton Manhattan Contrarian" and read his blog. He has some really good stuff showing how their is not a single working net-zero project in the world and no plans to do one. Every plan he has reviewed has been a complete joke. In addition German nor California has anywhere near the capacity to store renewable power for the entire Country or state for more than a few minutes. And no plans to provide for such.
You get the leaders you deserve. I don't see anyway out of this mess right now. It appears to me the only way for the administration out of this is to kill the economy to force energy demand destruction. I no longer think that our current government really has our best interest at heart. This pains me to say this, but I believe a lot of our own people would like to see this country fail if they can't have their way about things.
it takes excellent planning and coordination to get the 2000 mules to elect the jackass.
Excellent analysisi
To clarify one point, I believe the reduction is in quota, not output. OPEC hadn't been meeting the quota for some time. So this makes their quota and output more in line.
Worked great for OPEC+, didn't it? Do we have any non-stupid leaders left in the US?
TDS infection alert worse than CCP virus
I didn't vote for either party's candidate in the last two presidential elections, but it's pretty clear that the two priorities of the Democratic Party, our "elite" media and our wonderful tech oligarchs are Keeping (Trump) Hate Alive and regulating what we are allowed to say.
I hate this blasted pandemic, but, even more, I miss free speech.
You are correct