It is really impossible to tell what the impact of Mr. Boudin's policies are on crime as he took office just before Covid hit. But he promised to reduce carceration (the amount of people in jail) and reduce violent crime. According to the SFPD dashboards and the FBI he did this, albeit modestly. Murders are up 15% from an 70 year low in 2019, but they are up 30% in the average of the 25 largest cities in America. Property crime is overall up, especially burglaries.

There is an effort to recall him, financed mostly by a $2.5M in GOP and out of town money from a PAC called "Citizens for a Better San Francisco." Due to the reporting requirements of PACs, we won't know the funding until December but we do know who gave to them in 2020. The first attempt to gather signatures to recall him failed. It was a more grassroots effort. Even in San Francisco, $2.5M is a lot to spend on signature gatherers.

The leaders of the recall movement are pretty far out of the mainstream of San Francisco politics. One of the leaders, Susan Reynolds accused Scott Wiener of being a pedophile for his support of AB 145. This was an act that normalized penalties for vaginal and anal and oral sex among young adults and teens. [https://sd11.senate.ca.gov/sb145] As Scott told me, "I am against the recall, which is led by the worst San Franciscans. As you know, I did not endorse or vote for Boudin, but he is doing the job that San Franciscans sent him there to do. A recall is not appropriate here and should be reserved for the most egregious of circumstances." It should be noted that Scott does endorse the recall of three members of the Board of Education.

I predict that the Moderates in San Francisco (the "conservative" wing of San Francisco politics, who are all liberal Democrats) will sit this one out, while the "Progressives" (the group further to the left), will all support Boudin. I am a long time observer and participant in SF politics, having knocked on doors and manned phone banks since at least 1993. This one is still to early to call, but its odds are pretty long.

I personally feel that Boudin should get a chance in a more normal post-Covid world to try and implement his policies, which are novel. The current criminal justice system is rife with corruption, cronyism and blatant discrimination and that is a national problem, not just a local thing. Public sector unions just don't have the public's best interest in mind, and this is particularly a problem with Police Unions who have so much power. I am skeptical that Boudin can change things, but he got elected to give it a try and he should get that chance.

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Because the people holding the fire hose aren’t ones you care for, you’d rather let The City burn down. Mao Zedong would be proud of that attitude.

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The idea that San Francisco is in danger of burning down is bullshit. San Francisco is a liberal, prosperous, diverse and tolerant city with a very high quality of life for its residents, at least the ones that can afford it.

The "dystopian hellhole" narrative pushed by the mainstream corporate media is a combination of clickbait and fear that more American cities will drift out of the lockstep pro-corporate mindset that most of America is in.

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I've seen first hand the dystopia hellhole narrative: homeless shitting on the sidewalk, etc. so stop lying.

Also, that 30% in other cities, well most large cities are libtard controlled, so of course they have these crime problems.

Also, let's play the sophistry game you leftists like to play:sources?

I'll bet without the liberal BLM/Antifa cities those numbers are not what you claim.

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Dystopian hellhole? Do you mean most of The City or the 24 square blocks out of 49 square miles that is the Tenderloin.

Let's see what other sources have to say about San Francisco:


"A new study from human resources consulting firm Mercer has found that out of 230 metro areas studied, San Francisco has the highest quality of life for any American city.

To create the study, Mercer evaluated 230 metros based on 39 different factors, crunching data for metrics like recreation, consumer goods, natural environment, medical accessibility, public services including transportation, politics, media prevalence and censorship, currency and banking services and a host of others.

Using those metrics, San Francisco came in first in American cities, and 28th worldwide."


The Media & Entertainment company surveyed more than 27,000 city people about dining, nightlife, friendliness, and environmental initiatives to come up with a list of the greatest cities in the world.

“Living in a city during a pandemic seems kind of pointless,” Time Out wrote. “Except, this past year, somehow, it hasn’t actually felt that claustrophobic. In cities worldwide, people have pulled together. And what came out of the doom? A whole load of positive stories and amazing ideas that could define the future of urban life.”

San Francisco was praised for its progressive politics, community initiatives, and readily available weed.


"What’s it like to live in San Francisco, CA?

A beautiful region filled with iconic landmarks, independently owned businesses and trendsetting residents, San Francisco has long followed the beat of its own drum. Morphed and molded by its communities, the California metro area has been the heart of the bohemian lifestyle, the epicenter of the LGBT rights movement and the launching point of the technology era. Today, San Francisco is a complete universe in and of itself: Each neighborhood exudes its own personality, from the historic streets of the Mission District to the grassy hills of the Presidio to the bustling piers along the Embarcadero. "

Dystopian hellhole my ass. I suspect you have never even visited San Francisco and spend your time glued to MSM and the propaganda they feed you.

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