Could you PLEASE find a different venue than New York City? The gilded sewer of NYC is (rightfully) on my NO GO list! ANYWHERE else! Please.

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Seriously, why does anyone even still hold events in NV or San Francisco and expect decent people to travel to those hell holes to participate?

No amount of interesting content or ideas is worth exposing yourself to those environments, or giving any more hard-earned money to the people who run them.

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Spoken with confidence by someone who has probably never been to San Francisco or perhaps even Northern California.

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I'm in SF all the time, and it is NOT an ideal conference location. Next time try Asilomar if you're thinking about Northern California.

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agree with him and I live in Norcal

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SF was a nice city in the early 80's. By the end of the 80's and into the early 90's it was going downhill. It was perceptively noticeable. By the 2010's it was a trash heap. 2020's it's disgusting.

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I lived in SF through all those years and generally I agree. Much of the social activity in the city had changed by 2000. The large and vocal homosexual community overran the working class and black communities caused housing problems then the City government just turned the city over to the tech rich people who bought up whole hillsides and further distorted city living. Perhaps the city I love so much will get through this and return to a more human place to live but some changes are there to stay. I have friends who still live there and they are able to have regular lives and ignore the obnoxious techies and loud mouth homosexuals. The filth and poop everyone exaggerates is still confined to the old places which were very bad already. 80% or more of the city is just fine, clean and nonthreatening. Ordinary lives are playing out in the Richmond, Sunset, outer Mission Excelsior and other neighborhoods I have hope.

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net you meant NY. I get it and agree

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Agreed, much of Nevada sucks.

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YES. how about a flyover state

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NYC is an acknowledged center of civilization. Why do you hate it so much?

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Acknowledged by a bunch of pretentious, fake, elitist assholes.

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I was trying to help Michael with his presentation.

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As a registered Republican traveling to NYC or anywhere NY State means GET TRUMP Justice System will be applied to ME? Most DEMOCRATS think they are in the "protected class" ask IP Nuclear Industrial Cathedral Killer Gov Cuomo == ME TOO except JEW. BOYCOTT NY! Kathy Hochul's call for 5.4M Republicans to leave New York-Aug 26, 2022-Gov. Kathy Hochul, who hasn't proven shy about issuing orders, had one for the state's Republicans this week — all 5.4 million of them: "Just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?" she said. "You are not New Yorkers." 2 MILLION Illegal Aliens replacements 2024 have driver's licenses and registered to vote. Civilization, without responsible law abiding citizens, is impossible. Justice & free speech, is 2024 gone in POST Constitutional America.

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Quoting the punk rock band Fear, “New York’s alright if you like saxophones.”

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As a resident, I know it's now living mainly off its 20th century fumes.

But my objection to the attitudes expressed here is the nutty idea that 7+ million people all think the same, *and* can affect the way gov runs. So, how's that Joe Biden workin' for ya?

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I left shortly before Covid and I've never been happier. I thought I would be miserable - and I was for the first six months. Now, I wonder why it took me so long to leave.

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I live in IL so I know how u feel

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You should ask, why do NYC's ruling elites hate civilization so much?

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Reparations in the form of tolerating crime on the little people lets them feel cleansed of their guilty feelings about their white privilege? Cheap, easy, and safe virtue signalling behind their doormen and personal body guards?

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I don’t go there because it’s an unhealthy unsafe place to live. It’s overcrowded, badly administered, overrun with criminals, chaos on the street. Great museum, but you gotta live somewhere 24 hours a day. You stay there, i’ll go get help. lol

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Why the Marxist hellscapes (NYC, SF, N.Cal) of the U.S.?

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As a registered Republican traveling to NYC or anywhere NY State means GET TRUMP Justice System will be applied to ME? Most DEMOCRATS think they are in the "protected class" ask IP Nuclear Industrial Cathedral Killer Gov Cuomo == ME TOO except JEW. BOYCOTT NY! Kathy Hochul's call for 5.4M Republicans to leave New York-Aug 26, 2022-Gov. Kathy Hochul, who hasn't proven shy about issuing orders, had one for the state's Republicans this week — all 5.4 million of them: "Just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?" she said. "You are not New Yorkers."

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I concur.

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Looks like a fantastic event. Will you post your speech on Substack? If you have time to observe the "civilized people" in NYC at Columbia or NPR, you will find they are rabid red guards who denounce all wrongthinkers like you: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/uri-berliner-npr-ceo-redguard-struggle-session

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Yuri Glad you heeded Hochul's warning, Remember == "You are not New Yorkers." although I think you are foolishly in NY State? Gov. Kathy Hochul, who hasn't proven shy about issuing orders, had one for the state's Republicans this week — all 5.4 million of them: "Just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?" she said. "You are not New Yorkers."

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Yuri is a Former New Yorker actually. He has a post on his substack all about it…

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If I ever went to new york, I could not take my gun. There's too much crime in NY and I would need it. And if I had it and used it to protect me or another, the dictators running NY would throw me in to their gulag and I would die there. By staying where I am I can be of service to others. If you chose someplace safer and less dictatorial, I might go.

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"There's too much crime in NY and I would need [my gun]."

Here's some actual news: In a American city, especially one of 7+ million, it's really rather easy to find a daily outrage -- a spectacular outrage even -- to bring eyeballs to the TeeVee.

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Please come do one of these in Charlotte or Raleigh North Carolina. We’d love to host you. The people are hospitable, city is beautiful and food/entertainment are great. Oh…..and we’re still affordable!

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The home of the UN. One more reason to never spend a minute or a penny there.

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Please define "leading thinkers". Leading what, and where? And whom would you consider to be a leading Christian thinker? (By leading, I mean an actual Biblical Christian, in fact occupying a leadership position.) I didn't see one in your lineup, unless I missed him due to the seizure-inducing movement on the home page.

And yes, the other comments deploring your venue speak for me.

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The reason they don't have anyone from the religious community is the same reason "Civilized people hate civilization".

- They don't believe in god.

They don't think that anyone is above them. That there is no god judging them, so they have no limits.

The people gathering for this "conference" would be unable to comprehend or respond to a religious person talking about god, so they won't be able to come up with an answer to their question of, "Why?"

It would never occur to Shellenberger to have a religious conference asking his question, but then he would get an answer that he could not comprehend.

BTW, I've been having great fun watching videos, interviews, and lectures by Douglas Wilson on YouTube.

I saw his interview on Tucker the other day, and was intrigued enough to track him down.

The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Doug Wilson

Encounter - Published Apr 15, 2024 - 65 mins


- "We're the kind of Presbyterians who believe the Bible."

This is a clip on YouTube.

In Defense of Christian Nationalism


Here is the book mentioned:

Mere Christendom


I found a documentary with Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson for their book tour:

"Collision" Documentary (2009)


This is the book based on the debate:

Is Christianity Good for the World?


I would love to talk to Wilson and ask him some basic questions that sadly would shatter his world view, but I am pleased that he exists and is thriving in this secular world.

But I digress.

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I saw the Tucker clip with Wilson, and will now watch the whole interview. Thank you for the additional resources. In the spirit of your generous reply, I commend to you "The Christian View of Science and Scripture", by Bernard Ramm. You can read it on Internet Archive, or find it on a used book site. He does a good job of identifying why Christian apologetics has largely failed. (It was published 70 years ago.)

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"He does a good job of identifying why Christian apologetics has largely failed. (It was published 70 years ago.)"

Awesome. Thanks for the title.

I'll add it to my Story Folders.

I have found so many great titles, articles, videos, etc..., from the comments here on Public.


BTW, Watch anything on YouTube that you can find by Wilson. I've watched a few dozen so far and it is obvious where his dogma trips him up, but I'm still glad that he has built something real in this secular world.

The Christian schools that he helped build, and the homeschooling stuff, is a growth industry that is vastly better than schools today. Kids growing up with rules and limits are better than growing up hating themselves and the society that they must live in.

That's why the elites are attacking the various "organized" religions. It's harder to control people when they believe in a higher power above the ruling elites.

But I digress.

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*NYC #sigh

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Why do civilized people hate civilization?

Because somehow they began to believe everything that allows civilization development - plentiful of food and energy, law and order, and family formation are some how "bad."

As for Richard Dawkins: he now calls himself a "cultural Christian" after railing against Christians for decades. This likely because he just realized the alternative universe without Christians will not treat him as nicely.

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Why reward the monstrously bad policy decisions of these first world shitholes? A great opportunity to boycott their tyranny and stupidity! But I repeat myself :~)...

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Michael, I trust you will inform us where to find the livestream and/or recorded version.

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I would totally go, but my budget doesn’t allow for the expense. I’d gladly pay a lesser fee if it was streamed. Sorry to be that person asking for concession 🙈

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why sorry. ask and you shall receive. and if you dont ask the answer is always no

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I’ve not read anywhere if we will be able to see recordings of these discussions afterwards? Do you know???

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Please lead those from out of state to at least watch online

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A BIG opportunity for both RFK Jr. and/or Jill Stein -- now that Trump guided Mike Johnson into total surrender and adoption of Biden’s cabal anti-American Uni-party policies on both wars and FISA censorship and surveillance. Trump formally joined Biden’s-deep state Uni-party and -- is effectively GONE.

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Although I avoid New York these days, despite having lived there for decades, I was considering going in for this. Then you said "Brooklyn." That's really not easy to get to. You don't even say where in Brooklyn.

Have fun with the hipsters.

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fantastic idea! congrats!

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