Gavin is a Klaus Schwab Grad of 2009.

Plain and simple.

Gavin is a treasonous Globalist pawn. He is quite frankly a dullard.

Gained his position w Getty backing and a distant relationship w Nancy.

Gavin doesn’t care about California.

Only destroying it and the US because his overlords said so.

Truth is in his actions.

All of them are from the Klaus and Yuval lunatic Psychopath Handbook of the Sicko Globalist. They all dance with the devil. Darkness is their friend.

Things will only change when all these treasonous POS are charged and locked away.

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Right on! Right on! Right on! Sharing as widely as possible your two books, Apocalypse Never and San Fran-sicko, with Floridaman! The Sunshine State needs abundant water and clean cost efficient nuclear energy too! What with all those former Californian Disney folks moving in! I bet Florida’s governor has greater national appeal than California’s governor does!

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also Cadiz Aquifer (see link below)

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Russians literally funded green energy groups that opposed nuclear and fracking in the US and Europe. Time for leadership instead of useless virtue signalers who cower to Greta's shrieking.

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I was thinking the same thing. Love your name and pic. 👍🏻

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Much appreciated. I will be posting a satire on how to solve climate change soon.

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Haha. I'll check it out. Thanks.

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Shitty governance and piss poor decisions are a choice. This is all part of the Purge.

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Thank you. Your Common Sense approach is needed and long overdue. God speed

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The whole West Coast is a treasonous Cabal.

Kate Brown, Inslee all are destroying wonderful cities that brought in tourism.

Now they are Shit holes like SF. On purpose.

Soros DAs must be arrested.

All this filth.

Kate went to the Globalist Climate BS in Scotland. Came back gleefully talking how she would ruin Oregon, in the guise of Green.

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Michael. Absolutely. It’s time that we have open and honest conversations about all these issues. Yes. Revenue is at stake. Netflix was happy to let the COVID narrative lead to lockdowns - it helped their stock price to grow subscribers. But when reality hits and people like to be outside … well 38% hammering of your stock is inevitable.

The energy crisis is here, it is self inflicted. The water crisis is here and we must adapt. Desalination, energy and real solutions are required and I’m pulling for you and your campaign.

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Cadiz Aquifer also (see link below)

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Michael: You continue to present solid and logical solutions for all people - no matter the letter after their name. I continue to pray that you prevail in California.

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Newsom is just piddling around with water "storage" ideas, while spendingmoney on grand sounding projects like "preventing water pollution, protecting freshwater ecosystems, and managing floods", "improving drinking water and wastewater systems", "ecosystem restoration and the management of floods and stormwater", oh, and something called "the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act"

But nothing new on water storage and no new reservoirs. Because environmental lobbyists say "nope".

Since 2000, California voters have approved eight water bonds dedicating $27 billion to various water projects.

Buying rain barrels for every house and apartment would be a start on "water storage".

California needs state government not beholden to environmental lobbyist's and teacher's unions money!

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Cadiz Aquifer (see link below)

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Yes, but does passing an "act" make the aquifer sustainable? My neighbors and my property are all on well-water. Last year SDG&E trenched the road, burying powerlines. SDG&E had to "dewater" to do the work, as we saw our well-water drop to nothing. More than 45,000 gallons of water PER DAY "trucked" away in tankers. SDG&E said we could file a complaint... What does naming an "Act" do? Nothing. It's a farce.

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sorry to hear... what an absolute nightmare.

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the Cadiz Aquifer is a gigantic natural reservoir located under the Mojave desert... a massive amount of water in the aquifer already with plans to recharge it with rain runoff... the private company seeking to make the water available to the public has done environmental studies showing negligible impact and have sought to use railroad right of way for pipeline conveyance which has been litigated since the Obama administration... other than desalination it seems to me the most logical route to start to expand our decades-neglected water supply.


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This all reminds me of the first Total Recall movie - corrupt leadership creates its own power by artificially limiting the resources available to everyone and will fight to the death to preserve their system, even gaslighting everyone that the solutions that will save us are deadly.

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I was a very discouraged, common sense environmentalist when I first learned about you through Apocalypse Never. It was an encouraging find. I hope you win. But…I am still afraid (yes, it’s fear) of nuclear. I am open to someone explaining to me why I am wrong. Starting with how can we safely store nuclear waste, and where? Thx.

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Nuclear waste is a non-issue. Dry cask storage on site is simple & safe as determined by a Blue Ribbon Presidential commission. There's $400 trillion in clean energy contained in that waste. Just burn it up in new reactors coming out like Natrium or Elysium. After doing that, what's left is 83% valuable isotopes that can be sold at a considerable profit, the 17% after that amounts to 1/6th ounce in order to supply one American's lifetime share of energy that's 10kw continuous for 80yrs. So every 80yrs the USA would have 1800 tonnes of waste to store, only dangerous for 300yrs. Dump it down a borehole, a trivial expense. No other form of energy comes even remotely close to that low level of waste.

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Thank you!

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Cadiz Aquifer... little to no environment impact other than it is currently a wasting resource(evaporating) ... and can be recharged/replenished... natural reservoir... conveyance in litigation since Obama admin

(see above link)

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Desde España deseo lo mejor para California. ¡ La victoria de Michael! Todo sentido comun y valor para decir la verdad por encima de la correccion politica.

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Hello from California. Thank you for the well wishes of our state. please pray for our Country, and yours. All are under a darkness that needs Gods light. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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Better would be to change how and what we farm and how we manage cattle.

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Every farmer at the farmers market says the Geoengineering is causing all the weather and drought problems and causing all the farmers such hardships. Newsom knows they are Geoengineering and hasn’t done a thing about it.

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Desalination is kinda sorta geoengineering.

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Cadiz Aquifer (see link above)

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Mr. Shellenberger is getting really good at concise, informed polemics - a lost art in American politics. Excellent.

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