Can we just appreciate that the LA Times called Larry Elder the Black Face of White Supremacy, but Newsom is part of a clan of wealthy white families (Pelosi, Brown, Getty) that has ruled California for a century?

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As soon as you went down the equity road, you lost me. This is a country and state of equality, not equity, opportunity not guaranteed outcomes.

Your energy ideas are good. But your adherence to the equity agenda, will cost you any real conservative voters.

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Shellenberger’s main competition is Newsom and those who will vote for him so sadly he’s going to have to at least use the word “equity” (whatever it really means) somewhat.

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That would be even worse. I understand the competition. But believing in equity is a mistake of the woke, using it as a campaign hook that he doesn't endorse, would just be a lie, which is worse.

So for me, I'll move on, and find another candidate.

So far, it's none of the above.

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I got a big problem with people capitulating to the Neoliberals or ShitLibs when they decide they want to appropriate words and redefine them to facilitate their divide-and-conquer strategy for success. Words like vaccine and pandemic which have a defined meaning but had to be changed to suit them. In this case equity is a useful word that has a defined meaning and that is NOT the EQUITY that the Neolibs claim. Stand you ground and don't give in to their propaganda.

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You are confusing "The Equity Agenda" with the term equity which is referring to a more equitable sharing of economic benefits to various underclasses which at this point can include the entire middle class or what used to be called the working class. That is not guaranteed outcomes, that can be just removing the massive subsidies given to the uber-wealthy by corrupted politicians. Or removing the incredible regulations that favor big politically connected developers over small scale home builders. You can 3D print a small home for $5k now but you can't buy that home for under $300k in many US cities. That's due to politically enforced scarcity and it particularly impacts the poor. Rational and fair equity would be to remove those corrupt political impediment to low cost housing. They're myriad examples of similar corrupt practices that invariably impact the poor & middle class the most.

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I agree that the biggest problem today is government intervention, and a significant percentage of the cost of housing and living (many estimates are 30 to nearly 50% of the costs to build a home are directly attributable to regulations, fees and bogus attempts to 'manage climate change').

However, what I read was the intent for equity of several factions.

Taking from one entity, to provide for another entity, without fixing the bureaucratic and political corruption that created it, will not fix, let alone make it more "equitable" for anyone.

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The biggest problem today is corruption of government by wealthy kleptocrats. The seizure of government by the ultra-rich, which has turned it into an arm of corporate power = Bankster power. By far-and-away the greatest source of inequity, the greatest case of welfare in the history of human civilization is allowing private banks to create our money supply. This gives them unlimited power to buy our entire political apparatus.

Gavin Newsom, Mr. Getty Oil puppy, Mr. Klaus Schwab Young Global Leader is as crooked as a $3 bill. He is an enemy of the people. Voting for Shellenberger is the right thing to do.

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We seem to arguing at diverging issues here.

I agree that our government bodies from small to large are irreparably corrupt. I agree that many in gov't positions are there solely to get rich by stealing and manipulating economies.

But the answer to corruption isn't more government. And ANY talk of leveling the playing field, or "solving inequities" is the same script, written by a different pen.

I would like to hear Michael's plans to improve things in CA, not political posturing against a feckless degenerate like francisco hairgel. And all your cheerleading, without specific solutions, only makes the lack of factual information worse.

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He's already told you his plans, more than anyone else. Continue Diablo canyon nuclear power plant. Restart SONGS NPP. Build NG CCGT power plants. Quit the nutty wind & solar scams. That's BIG, very big. Compel the mentally ill and bums off the street to treatment etc. Drug addiction treatment & end freeforall drug markets etc. Prevent forest fires by good aggressive forest management. Lots more.

You seem to be one of those guys who wants the perfect candidate for your every dream or else nothing. You need to learn that perfect guy doesn't exist, I've never seen anyone who agrees with me on everything, including Shellenberger. Democracy is about getting rid of the corrupt stooge arsehole (i.e. Newsom) and replace with much better (i.e. Shellenberger).

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I'm "one of those guys" now?

All I was suggesting and asking for are details. It is one thing to have campaign promises, it is another to demonstrate the how. Dreams of rectifying the state will not materialize, just by winning an election. The cabal of lunatics throughout the legislature, and the corrupted judicial branch would stifle any of Michael's dreams.

I have looked through the literature at Shellenberger for Governor and not one specific strategy, detail or "plan", just lots of promises of "When elected, I will....".

Good luck with the campaign. Sorry to say this conversation has lead me farther from supporting the only potentially intelligent candidate.

And no, I will not vote for anyone who thinks his political position can bring about "equity", ever.

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Dr Tim Ball - Historical Climatologist


Book: ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’

Book: ‘Human Caused Global Warming, the Biggest Deception in History’



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I loathe that treasonous POS

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