
Why Is Kamala Harris Running On A Pro-Scarcity Agenda?

The Democratic presidential candidate’s policies on food, housing, and energy would hurt poor and working people

Kamala Harris and her campaign surrogates yesterday and today appeared to walk back her support for price controls. Here’s Michigan governor and Harris ally Gretchen Whitmer on NBC’s Meet the Press with Kristin Welker this morning.

Welker: Among other things, she's proposing a ban on price gouging… do you think that's the best way to bring down prices in Michigan? 

Whitmer: I think people are, are reading too much into what has been put out there.

But, as NBC’s Welker noted, Harris never repudiated her proposal for price controls.

Welker: Governor, I hear you saying that folks are reading too much into it, and yet it is what the Vice President is proposing…. Is this plan to ban price gouging anything more than a gimmick?

Whitmer: I think it speaks to Kamala Harris's values that she wants consumers to keep more money in their pockets… We know we've got to have business growth in this country… for good paying jobs. But we also know that you can't gouge and and hurt the American consumer just to pad your bottom line.

Welker So you think it's smart policy governor?

Whitmer: You know I think that any effort we make to keep more money in American’s pockets is worth walking the path and having the conversations and figuring out how do we make this economy work for everybody.

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