
Why Trump’s Victory Is, For Millions Of Us, Cathartic

After a decade of being hunted, stigmatized, and ostracized by the Woke, many of us can finally breathe a sigh of relief

Across the United States, people who voted for Kamala Harris are reacting with shock, sadness, and anger at the election results. They are asking themselves why so many Latinos, Gen Xers, men, and women not only voted the way they did but also why so many of us feel enormous relief at Trump’s historic victory.

But do they really not understand? Or do they not want to understand?

After all, over the last decade, many of us who have moved away from the Left have been explaining our concerns at length:

We didn’t appreciate being told we were bigots for not wanting to defund the police, open the borders, or mandate racial quotas;

We didn’t enjoy being called phobic for not wanting doctors to experiment on children with pseudoscientific “transgender medicine;”

And we didn’t like being labeled conspiracy theorists for asking questions about Covid policies or asking why the FBI, CIA, and Department of Homeland Security were involved in mass censorship.

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